How to do pre-orders on Shopify

Offering pre-orders on Shopify allows you to generate excitement for upcoming products and secure sales before they are officially released. Whether you're launching a new product or restocking popular items, Shopify enables you to set up pre-order options for your customers. Here's how to set up pre-orders on Shopify:

1. Access Shopify Admin:
Log in to your Shopify admin dashboard using your credentials.
2. Navigate to Product Settings:

From the Shopify admin, click on "Products" in the left-hand sidebar to access your product listings.

3. Select Product to Enable Pre-Orders:

Choose the product you want to offer for pre-order or create a new product listing for the item.

4. Edit Product Details:

In the product details page, scroll down to the "Inventory" section.

5. Enable Pre-Orders:

Check the box labeled "Continue selling when out of stock" or "Allow customers to purchase this product when it's out of stock" to enable pre-orders for the product.

6. Set Pre-Order Availability Date:

Enter the expected availability or release date for the product in the "Available on" field. This date represents when customers can expect to receive the pre-ordered product.

7. Configure Product Pricing:

Adjust the product pricing as needed to reflect any special pricing or discounts for pre-orders.

Consider offering incentives such as early bird pricing or exclusive bonuses to incentivize pre-orders.

8. Communicate Pre-Order Terms:

Provide clear and transparent information about the pre-order terms, including the expected release date, payment requirements, and cancellation policy. Display this information prominently on the product page to set customer expectations.

9. Enable Pre-Order Button:

Customize your product page to include a pre-order button or label that indicates the item is available for pre-order. You can use Shopify's built-in theme editor or install a third-party app to add custom buttons or badges.

10. Publish Changes:

Once you've configured the pre-order settings and product details, click on the "Save" or "Save and publish" button to apply the changes to your Shopify store.

Additional Considerations:

  • Manage Pre-Order Inventory: Monitor pre-order inventory levels to ensure that you can fulfill customer orders on time. Consider setting limits on the number of pre-orders available to prevent overselling.
  • Provide Updates to Customers: Keep customers informed about the status of their pre-orders, including any changes to the release date or shipping schedule. Send regular updates via email or through your Shopify store's messaging system.
  • Offer Pre-Order Bonuses: Encourage customers to pre-order by offering exclusive bonuses or incentives, such as limited edition merchandise, early access to content, or special discounts on future purchases.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Can I accept payment for pre-orders upfront or only when the product is available?

A: Shopify allows you to accept payment for pre-orders upfront or when the product is available, depending on your preference. You can configure pre-order settings to require full payment at the time of purchase or authorize payment and capture funds when the product is shipped.

Q: How do I distinguish pre-order products from regular products in my Shopify store?

A: You can distinguish pre-order products from regular products in your Shopify store by adding custom labels, badges, or tags to pre-order listings. Customize your product page template to include a pre-order button or banner that notifies customers the item is available for pre-order.

Q: Are there any restrictions or limitations on offering pre-orders on Shopify?

A: While Shopify supports pre-orders for physical and digital products, there are certain limitations and best practices to consider. Ensure that you can fulfill pre-orders within a reasonable timeframe, communicate accurate release dates to customers, and comply with Shopify's policies regarding pre-order sales and fulfillment.

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