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Powerful PreOrder Manager Tiendanube App

Seamlessly integrate your sales strategies with the PreOrder Manager App.

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Sales Uplift

The integration of the PreOrder Manager feature on Tiendanube empowers customers to reserve their desired items, paving the way for targeted marketing initiatives and a boost in sales.

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Elevated Customer Contentment

Introducing a PreOrder Manager option on Tiendanube personalizes the shopping journey, offering customers the convenience of securing their preferred items, fostering satisfaction and long-term loyalty.

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AOV Enhancement

The PreOrder Manager functionality promotes larger purchases as customers can now bookmark items they covet, translating into an increased average order value for the business.

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Improved Conversion Rates

With the PreOrder Manager feature in place, the purchasing process becomes more streamlined, making it effortless for customers to return to their saved items, contributing to a higher rate of converting casual browsers into committed buyers.

Integrate Tiendanube with PreOrder Manager


Access Tiendanube and find the App Center.


Search for Kaktus PreOrder Manager.


Install the app.


Begin setting up pre-orders.


Select products and set pre-order conditions.


Save and monitor the performance.

The Benefits of PreOrder Manager

Generating Market Buzz

Pre-Ordered products naturally generate excitement and attention. This presents an ideal opportunity to offer coupons and discounts to customers who choose to preorder. These promotional activities contribute to creating a strong demand for your product even before its official launch.

Predicting Product Demand

Utilizing a preorder app while your product is still in the manufacturing stage allows you to gauge its demand. Retailers gain insights into minimum sales expectations, while manufacturers can plan production accordingly. Higher demand prompts increased production, leveraging the initial cash inflow to further boost sales.

Enhanced Cash Flow

One of the most straightforward methods to bolster your cash flow is by accepting preorders from customers. During the preorder phase, your product is either in the manufacturing or packaging stage, allowing you to generate revenue even before the official release. This strategic approach can significantly benefit your business.

Industry Versatility

A standout feature of the preorder concept is its versatility. It can be seamlessly integrated into the operations of businesses of any size or type. Notable brands like Apple regularly employ preorder strategies, particularly before the launch of new iPhone models.

Improved Search Engine Ranking

Preorder product pages receive indexing by search engines such as Google and Bing. This proactive approach increases the likelihood of achieving higher search engine rankings when the product is officially released. The advantage lies in having preorder pages ready before competitors create theirs after the product's release, ensuring better online visibility.

Why Consider PreOrder Manager?

Pre-orders serve as a valuable tool to assess customer interest in your upcoming products, allowing you to make informed decisions regarding inventory and production management. Beyond this, they serve as a catalyst for creating anticipation and excitement surrounding your offerings, enhancing brand visibility and customer engagement. 

Additionally, pre-orders can provide a consistent revenue stream during the pre-launch phase, aiding in covering production costs and improving overall cash flow for your business.

Another compelling advantage of incorporating pre-orders into your e-commerce strategy is the opportunity to cultivate a dedicated customer base. By offering customers the chance to pre-order products, they feel like valued members of an exclusive community with early access to your products, fostering a sense of loyalty that often results in repeat business.

Moreover, pre-orders function as a valuable source of customer feedback. By permitting customers to pre-order and provide input on products prior to their official release, you gain invaluable insights. This feedback not only demonstrates your commitment to customer opinions but also empowers you to refine your products, ensuring they better align with customer needs and expectations.

Ready to transform your e-commerce journey?

Strengthen your business with Kaktus cutting-edge solutions. Experience innovation, drive growth, and unlock new possibilities for your online venture.

Kaktus is trusted by 30,000+ businesses worldwide

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"The Flexible Volume Discount feature has been a game-changer. Since implementing it, I've seen a significant boost in sales and customer satisfaction. Kaktus truly delivers!"

Liam Turner

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"I was amazed at how easy Kaktus products were to set up. The mobile optimization ensures a seamless experience for my on-the-go customers. It's been a fantastic addition to my store."

Sophia Martinez

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"The One Click Upsell and In Cart Upsell features have transformed my sales process. My customers are not only buying more but also appreciating the intuitive shopping journey. I'm thrilled!"

Ethan Roberts

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"The BOT offer has been a hit, especially with the auto-adding of gifts. It's not just about increasing sales; it's about enhancing the overall shopping experience. Kaktus has nailed it!"

Ava Wilson

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“With Kaktus, offering bundles to my customers has become a breeze. The sales bundles, whether through pop-ups or inline, have significantly increased our conversions. I couldn't be happier!"

Noah Smith

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"Since integrating these products, my online store has seen unparalleled growth. It's a seamless blend of innovation and user-centric design that truly delivers."

Isabella Perez

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"Every feature feels meticulously crafted for today's e-commerce landscape. The results? Increased sales, satisfied customers, and a thriving online business."

Jackson Gray

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